'Paano gagawin ang INDAY INDAY with desiccated coconut at home! #glutinousrice #riceballs Ingredients 2cup glutinous rice 1cup water food coloring pandan extract sugar desiccated coconut Thank you so much for watching!
Tags: glutinous rice balls , glutinous rice recipe dessert , glutinous rice cake recipe , Inday Inday Recipe , mikeechen , desiccated coconut balls , glutinous rice flour cake , glutinous rice flour recipe panlasang pinoy , glutinous rice flour pancake , inday inday ilonggo recipe , inday inday palitaw , inday inday food recipe , inday inday street food , inday inday cassava recipe , inday inday palitaw recipe , inday inday with coconut recipe , best inday inday recipe , inday inday recipe ingredients
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